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House League Programs

Our league is open to player ages 4 to 22.

The season runs from May until early July for T-Ball and Soft Toss divisions (boys and girls), May until late-July for Mite division (boys and girls) and May until late July for Squirt (girls), Novice (girls), Bantam (girls) and Midget/Junior (girls).

Weekday games start at 6:30 p.m., except Bantam & Midget/Junior divisions which start at 8:30 p.m. 

Saturday games – T-ball at 9:00 a.m. & Soft Toss at 10:30 a.m.

All players are expected to be at the diamond and ready to play for the start time, so plan to be there at least 15 minutes ahead of the start time.

All of our divisions are based on the player’s age as of January 1st of the playing year.  For example, if you are registering for the summer 2025 season, the division is based on the player’s age as of january 1 2025

u6 - T-ball (Boys & Girls born 2019-2021)

Our “Learn to Play” program created by Softball Canada introduces and teaches the sport of softball to children. It is based on the children getting together to play games and participate in activities that focus on excitement, enjoyment, fun, lots of action, and most importantly, achieving success in a positive and safe environment. Also gone is the emphasis on winning and competition. There are no umpires, no scores and no standings. Games are played in Burlington twice a week, Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday morning at 9:00 am.

u9 - Soft Toss (Boys & Girls born 2016-2018)

A continuation of the “Learn to Play” program created by Softball Canada introduces and teaches the sport of softball to children. It is based on the children getting together to play games and participate in activities that focus on excitement, enjoyment, fun, lots of action, and most importantly, achieving success in a positive and safe environment. There are no umpires, no scores and no standings. Games are played in Burlington twice a week, Tuesday or Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday morning at 10:30 am.

u11 - Mite (Boys & Girls born 2014-2015)

This is our basic introductory level to play competitive softball. Emphasis is placed on hitting a pitched ball and learning fundamental skills for catching, throwing, base running and learning about playing different positions. A pitching machine will be used for the first half of the season (as player pitchers are developed) and then introduced for the last half of the season. Modified rules of the game are used to keep the game interesting and exciting for the players. Junior umpires are introduced at this level. Game/practice are played in Burlington, twice a week on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

u13 - Squirt  (Girls born 2012-2013)

This division is the first year where players are split by gender. This is our secondary entry level to play competitive softball. Umpires are provided and more emphasis is placed on developing pitching, batting, catching, throwing, and base running skills. Learning to play different positions is refined to three or four. Rules of the game are also more refined and an introduction to defensive and offensive strategies is also learned.

Squirt (girls) division typically play one game and have one practice each week. Games are played in Burlington and nearby towns such as Milton, Georgetown and Oakville.

u15 - novice  (Girls born 2010-2011)

This is our advanced entry level to play competitive softball. Pitchers and catchers are more experienced and overall fundamental skills for batting, throwing, catching, and base running are further developed. Overall knowledge of the game improves and formal rules are more in line with Softball Canada are learned. Emphasis is learning to play two positions, an outfield and an infield position.  Novice (girls) division typically play one game and have one practice each week.  Games are played in Burlington and nearby towns such as Georgetown, Stoney Creek, Milton and Oakville.

u17 - Bantam (Girls born 2008- 2009)

This is our senior advanced level to play competitive softball. Players registering at this level are expected to have played before. Pitchers and back catchers should be fully experienced and fundamental skills for batting, throwing, catching and base running are also fully developed. Emphasis is placed on defensive and offensive strategies and the focus is continuing to develop to play two positions.  Bantam (girls) division typically play one game and have one practice each week.  Games are played in Burlington and nearby towns such as Georgetown, Stoney Creek, Milton and Oakville.

u22 - Midget/Junior (Girls born 2003-2007) 

This is our young ladies division to play competitive softball. Players considering to play at this level should be fully experienced to play competitive softball. The skills and focus to play two positions at the Bantam level are further emphasized and worked on.  Midget/Junior (girls) typically play one game and have one practice each week.  Games are played in Burlington and nearby towns such as Stoney Creek, Milton and Oakville.