If for any reason you choose to withdraw from registration prior to the season commencement there will be a $50 processing fee subtracted from your refund. Any refund requested after season commencement will have a $50 processing fee deducted and 50% of the registration fee will be withheld to cover the costs incurred for uniforms, equipment, diamonds, umpires etc. Season commencement is considered to be April 1st, as team formations begin at that time.
The League is organized, conducted and administered by a volunteer staff with expertise in Softball , on which our Fastpitch variation is based. These volunteers make up an Executive Board which will govern the implementation and execution of our league strategy. The key distinction between the league as it is being run and other leagues currently available is in the rules format which exists, the absence of team registration, and the openly competitive nature of the games; most notably the changes from the slow-pitch variation of softball to a fastpitch variation.
BMFL Rules:
0.0- BMFL has a zero tolerance policy towards physical and verbal abuse towards all players, umpires and spectators. Consequences will be at the discretion of the executives.
1.0 Playing Rules: On field play is governed by the Softball Canada's rules except for the local rules & deviations identified in this document. SBC Fast Pitch playing rules can be found at
Local Rules, Deviations & Highlights.
1.1 Regulation Game: A regulation game consists of nine (9) completed innings, except as follows,
(a) A full nine (9) innings need not be played if the home team is ahead at any time after the top of the 9th inning.
(b) There shall be no new inning after 1 hour and 50 minutes. Drop dead at 2 hours (except playoffs). The last inning will be completed in the playoffs.
(c) The umpire’s watch will be considered the official timepiece and cannot be contested.
(d) The umpire shall notify both teams prior to the commencement of the last inning.
(e) Playoffs ONLY - In the event of a tie (if time permits) any additional innings will be played in accordance with the international tiebreaker rule. (1) Starting with the top of the 10th inning and for each half-inning thereafter the offensive team starts its turn at bat with the player scheduled to bat last in that respective half-inning placed on second base as a runner.
(f) In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, the tie will stand (except playoffs).
(g) In the event of a game being called, 4 innings shall be considered a complete game and the score at the end of the last completed inning shall stand.
(h) All games shall start on time. In the event a team cannot field 7 players at the scheduled time they have a 15 minute grace period before they forfeit the game.
(i) In the event of a forfeited game, the score shall be recorded as 7-0 in favour of the non-defaulting team.
(j) Postponed games will be rescheduled by the executive (if possible) at the earliest convenience.
1.2 Suspended or cancelled games: Make up games will be played before the playoffs at the discretion of the executive.
1.3 Protests: The plate umpire's decision(s) are final and not contestable.
(a) Regular Season: In the event that a team feels that a rule or rules are not being applied properly, the team Rep/Captain shall forward a request for clarification to the league executive. If found to be valid, the league will take appropriate measures to inform those involved or the membership as applicable within 7 days (or before the next game if practicable) .
(b) Playoffs: If a protest arises during a playoff game, it will be arbitrated by a Board executive prior to the resumption of the game.
1.3B Player Eligibility: All players (in order to participate) must be registered and their dues paid. Unless alleviation is granted by the Board.
(a) Subs: Regular season: Teams are permitted to borrow players from other teams when they have less than 9 players.
(b) Subs: Playoffs: Teams are NOT permitted to borrow players from other teams during playoffs.
1.4 Ejections & Suspensions: Any player ejected from a game must leave the immediate area of the facility (out of sight of the game, away from the bleachers, dugouts, etc.,).
(a) That player will receive a minimum one-game suspension from their team's next game. The player is not permitted to attend any games while on suspension.
(b) If a manager is ejected from a game they will receive a minimum one-game suspension from their team's next game AND must meet with the Executive Committee before they can participate again.
(c) It is the responsibility of team managers to make sure that suspended players do not participate or attend any league/playoff games while on suspension.
(d) If a suspended player participates in any game it will be counted as a forfeit loss.
(e) If a manager refuses to give the name of a player on the request of an umpire, that player shall immediately be removed from the game. This information must be reported to the Executive Committee and the team manager will be suspended from their team's next game.
(f) No participant shall knowingly endanger the safety of any player , official, or spectator.
(g) Persons suspended more than once will be subject to a review with the Executive Committee, and may be permanently removed from the league, without grounds for reimbursement of fees.
1.5 Unsportsmanlike Conduct: No manager, player, substitute, coach, trainer or batter shall at any time;
(a) Incite or try to incite, by word or sign, a demonstration by spectators.
(b) Use language that will in any manner refer to or reflect negatively upon opposing players, an umpire, team-mate, or any spectator.
(c) Call “Time” or employ any other word or phrase or commit any act while the play is alive and in play for the purpose of trying to affect the outcome of the play.
1.6 Probation: A team or player may be placed on probation for a length of time to be determined by the Executive council.
(a) A team or player on probation, who violated the participant’s code of conduct may be suspended from the league.
1.7 Rosters: will be registered upon completion of the draft which will occur at the beginning of each season.
(a) Adding a player mid-season can only be done by the executive committee, by majority decision. The manager making the request must submit the name and the player must pay a prorated registration fee.
1.8 Batting Order: All players shall bat in a continuous order.
(a) If an injured player is removed from the game their turn at bat will be skipped without penalty.
(b) If a player is ejected from the game, their at bat shall be considered an out.
1.9 Defence: a maximum of 9 players are allowed on the field at any given time.
(a) Teams are allowed unlimited defensive substitutions.
(b) A pitcher may not pitch a complete game.
1. Maximum number of innings allowed by any one pitcher is as per the table below.
2. One (1) pitch constitutes an inning.
Innings played | Max allowed innings pitched |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 3 |
6 | 4 |
7 | 4 |
8 | 5 |
9 | 5 |
1.10 Cast, Braces & Jewellery
(a) Casts (plastic or other hard substance in its final form) may not be worn during the game. Any exposed metal on a brace may be considered legal if covered by a soft material and taped.
(b) Exposed Jewellery such as wrist watches, bracelets, large or loop type earrings and neck chains may not be worn during the game.
(c) Medical Alert bracelets or necklaces are not considered jewelry, but if worn, they must be taped to the body.
1.11 Batter-runner, Runner is Out: If they remain on their feet and intentionally (with great force) runs into a Defensive player with the intent (in the umpires opinion) to injure said player or to dislodge the ball. And depending on the circumstances may be ejected from the game.
1) On approaching a base/plate, the batter-runner/runner must slide, go around or stop to avoid running into an opposing player.
2) On sliding into a base/plate if in the umpires opinion the base-runner was attempting to dislodge the ball or injure the defensive player, they shall be called out.
a) NOTE:(on a thrown ball) it is an illegal act (Obstruction rule 4.5) for a defensive player to be between a base-runner and a base/plate if they do not have the ball in their possession.
i) Any attempt by a defensive player (other than self defence) to stand up or knock down an opposing player will result in the base-runner being declared safe and the defensive player ejected from the game.
ii) All attempts should be made to avoid full body contact.
b) If there is no play at a particular base it is the defensive player's obligation to move out of the way so that the base-runner may round the base unobstructed. Otherwise the umpire will call obstruction and the base-runner will be awarded an additional base-runner
c) It is acknowledged that incidental contact can occur and as such if that is in the umpires opinion what has happened no one shall be penalized.
2.0 The Diamond
2.1 Bases: 67 feet.
2.2 Pitching rubber: 47 feet
2.3 Fitness & Suitability of the Diamond: It is up to the discretion of the plate umpire and/or executives if the diamond is in a suitable condition to allow play.
2.4 Set up of the Diamond: It is the responsibility of the home team to set up the equipment at the diamond prior to the start of the first game.
2.5 Putting away equipment at the Diamond: It is the responsibility of the visiting team to put away the equipment at the diamond at the end of the last game.
3.0 Equipment:
3.1 Ball: 12” as supplied by the league
3.2 Bat: Only bats approved by Softball Canada and/or Softball Ontario are permitted. Players using a bat not approved will incur a 1 game suspension. (this is a safety issue)
3.3 Spikes: Metal spikes are not permitted.
4.0 Miscellaneous & Other Important Things
4.1 Dropped 3rd Strike: On an uncaught third strike with
(1) no runner on first base, or
(2) with a runner on first base and two outs, the batter immediately becomes a runner. The strike is called, but the umpire does not call the batter out. The batter may then attempt to reach first base and must be tagged or forced out. An “uncaught” strike includes not only pitches dropped by the catcher, but also pitches that hit the ground before the catcher attempts to catch it
4.2 Infield Fly: A fair fly ball (not including a line drive or an attempted bunt) that can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort when first and second, or first, second, and third bases are occupied before two are out. The pitcher, catcher, and any outfielder who positions themselves in the infield on the play will be considered infielders for the purpose of this rule.
(a) On an infield fly the umpire shall identify it immediately by calling out “Infield Fly, Batter is out, IF fair.
(b) Other base-runners may advance at their own discretion.
4.3 Strike zone: The space over any part of home plate between the batter’s armpits and the bottom of the batter’s knee cap, when they assume their natural batting stance. The natural batting stance is the stance the batter takes after the release of the pitch when deciding to swing or not swing at the pitch.
4.4 Interference: On a batted ball, the first defensive player to play the ball has right of way over a base-runner/batter-runner.
Also, the runner is not out when more than one fielder attempts to field a batted ball and the runner comes in contact with the one who, in the umpire’s judgment, was not entitled to field the ball.
Note: Contact does not have to occur for interference to have occurred. Any action by a base-runner/batter-runner that negatively affects the defender’s ability to field a batted ball is considered interference.
4.5 Obstruction: On a thrown ball, a base-runner/batter-runner has the right of way over any defender attempting to catch a thrown ball.
4.6 Obstruction: Fake Tag: A fake tag (an attempt to tag a runner/batter-runner while not in possession of the ball) is obstruction. Note: Contact does not always mean interference or obstruction occurred. There is such a thing as incidental contact - 2 players both unsure of where to go and contact is made.
4.7 Overrunning First Base: The batter runner may turn in any direction after overrunning first base as long as they return to the base immediately. If an attempt is made to go to second base, the runner can be tagged out. This is a judgment made by the umpire.
4.8 Strike: A strike is an attempt to hit the ball. Simply holding the bat over the plate is not an attempt. A bunt is a batted ball not swung at, but INTENTIONALLY met with the bat and tapped slowly. If no attempt is made to make contact with the ball outside the strike zone, it should be called a ball.
4.9 Bunting: Permitted
4.10 Slap Hit/Slap Bunt: A slap hit/slap bunt is not a bunt. With 2 strikes, a slap hit/slap bunt going foul is not considered strike 3.
4.11 Check swing: If it is the plate umpire’s judgment that the batter made an attempt to swing at appealed to the base umpire - use the guiding principle that the plate umpire does not call it a strike unless they see the attempted swing - therefore no need for an appeal of what the plate umpire saw.
4.12 Safety Bag - On any live ball play made from first base foul territory, the batter runner and the defensive player may use either base.
(a) When the defensive player uses the foul portion of the double base, the batter-runner can run in fair territory and if hit by a throw from the foul side of first base, it would not be interference.
(b) If the fielder uses the orange base in this situation and the runner makes contact with the fielder it is interference on the runner. If both players use the white portion and the fielder causes the runner to hold up or change direction it is obstruction on the fielder.
4.13 Thrown ball goes out of play:
(a) all runners, including the batter-runner shall be awarded two bases from the last base legally touched based on their position at the time that the thrown ball left the fielder’s hand.
(b) if there are two runners between the same bases, the award is based on the position of the lead runner.
4.14 Fair ball bouncing out of play or off a defensive player.
(a) When a fair ball bounces out of play, including if it deflects off a defensive player, the umpire shall declare “Dead Ball” as soon as the ball goes out of play.
(b) All runners shall be awarded two bases.
(c) The award is based on their position at the time of the pitch - not at the time that the ball went out of play.
(d) The award is the same regardless of where the ball actually goes out of play.
4.15 Lead-off (Pitcher’s Circle)
(a) The common misconception is that if the ball is thrown back to the pitcher and they have it in their position in the pitcher’s circle before the batter-runner reaches first base that the batter-runner must stop at first base.
(b) Even though the ball may be in the pitcher’s possession in the pitcher’s circle, the batter-runner may:
1. continue past first base.
2. is entitled to run toward second base, as long as they don’t not stop at first base.
3. Once the runner makes a stop, they must immediately proceed to the next base or return to their base UNLESS the pitcher makes a play (including a fake throw) on the runner or another runner.
(c) The RUNNER is OUT IF: the runner stops and simply stands there off the base while the pitcher has possession of the ball in the pitcher’s circle and no play is made - “DEAD BALL - RUNNER IS OUT - LEAD-OFF” If the runner stops and then makes a move in more than one direction immediately after the stop while the pitcher has possession of the ball in the pitcher’s circle and no play is made “DEAD BALL - RUNNER IS OUT - LEAD-OFF”
(d) Points of Emphasis: The pitcher cannot force the first stop by a runner merely by having possession of the ball in the pitcher’s circle. Put another way - the runner is allowed one stop - as soon as they stop they must make a decision immediately to either advance or return.
(e) A play on the runner (including a fake throw) nullifies any penalty - put another way, every fake throw allows the runner one more stop.
4.16 Courtesy Runner:
(a) Allowed, and shall be the last out, or if no one has been declared out, the player furthest from coming to bat (and is not on base).
(b) Courtesy runners are not permitted to steal bases nor advance on a passed ball. Unless a fielder attempts to make a play at that base.
4.17 Playing equity Rules: During the regular season
(a) Outfielders may not set up any closer than 20 feet from the infield skin.
(b) Infielders may not set up closer to home plate closer than the pitching rubber.
4.18 Optional base running on home run:
(a) While all players are encouraged to run all bases after hitting a home run, if a player wishes not to run the bases, it is not required for the runs to count.
(a) At the start of the pitch, one (1) foot is required to be on (touching) the rubber (Drive leg).
(b) The other foot (stride leg) may be behind the rubber.
(c) Prior to delivering a pitch there MUST be a pause (Entire Body Motionless) with both hands together in front of the body for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 5 seconds.
(d) The next motion constitutes the start of the pitch, (once the hands separate they may not come together again),
(e) The drive leg foot must remain in contact with the pitcher’s plate prior to the start of the pitch. Lifting the pivot foot off the pitcher’s plate and returning it to the plate, creating a rocking motion is an illegal act. This foot must stay in contact with the ground. Dragging is ok. Replanting is not
(f) Leaping and crow hopping are not permitted
(g) The Pitcher MUST immediately deliver the ball to the batter and all movement from this point shall be forward. It is illegal to step behind the rubber AFTER the pause. EXCEPTION: IF the Pitcher wishes to call time they must step off to the rear of the rubber first, and call for “Time”.
(h) Ball must be released prior to loss of contact with the pitching plate.
(i) The delivery must be an underhand motion, with the hand below the hip, the wrist not further from the body than the elbow and with no stop or reversal of the forward motion.
(j) Windmill pitching is prohibited.
(k) Pitchers MUST deliver the pitch in an underhand motion.
(l) Pitchers arm may not be extended straight up or over the head, the ball remaining around the head on the the backswing. Arm may not extend vertically above the head.
Congratulations to the 2023 First and Second place teams in the BMFL’s first season. Black team finished 1st